Featured Artist Showcase: Alise Baker of Chubby Bunny

If you haven't seen Alise Baker's work in person, you are in for a treat! These one-of-a-kind works are both 2D and 3D at the same time, incorporating traditional applique techniques, painting disciplines, and sculpting practices into  fanciful and realistic interpretations of the flora and fauna in our world - both real and imagined.

With a palette of faux fur, vintage fabrics, thread, and acrylic paint, Alise pushes boundaries - sometimes literally - with her signature "Applique Painting" pieces.

In her most recent pieces, Alise has been creating masterful 2D paintings depicting the depth of color and layers of details in the feathers of her Feathered Friends series (shown above). 

We can't wait to show you her pieces in person. Please stop by the Showroom or visit us online for detailed photos including close-up images that do their best to convey the depth of each of these astonishing pieces!


Check out our current Featured Artist Showcase HERE

Visit Alise Baker (Chubby Bunny)'s current in-house collection HERE

And if you are in the downtown Seattle, WA area, visit us at The Handmade Showroom every day from 12pm to 6pm

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